Our lives are always super hectic and our “to do” list often has no end. It is important to set daily goals if we want to successfully achieve our goals. I use the following 4 tips for setting my daily goals.

Limit Your Daily Goals

Instead of trying to complete everything on your to-do list, concentrate on only a few items. If you try to complete everything, many things will not get done. It’s more realistic to identify 3-4 actionable tasks and complete them fully. Also remember, when planning your goals, you have to plan the action and not just the result. Take time to actually plan when you are going to make actions, not just when you can cross the item of your list.
Instead of saying, “we are going to have spaghetti for dinner tomorrow,” plan when you are going to go grocery shopping and when you are actually going to prepare the meal.
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What is a Live Frog?

Mark Twain said ‘Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.’ Therefore, when you are planning your day, plan to complete the hardest task first. If you get the hardest task out of the way, everything else will fall into place. Often we put off the “hard task” and the thought of doing it drains and drags out our day. Try eating your live frog early and you’ll be able to relax or complete the easier tasks later.
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Maximize Small Pockets of Time

Don’t feel obligated to think you can only accomplish your goals during a long time span. You are actually able to complete some tasks in small pockets of time. Take advantage of 15 minute increments. For example, what can you do while you are waiting in the car for your teenager to come out of the store? Our phones are mini computers. You can use those few minutes to research something online, return emails, or even draft a paper during that 15 minutes. In daily planning, your motto should be #nousefultimeleftbehind
Utilize Your Planner For Daily Goals
A planner or agenda is a must for me. I need my planner to organize my home, life, work, and business. Throughout the years, I have used multiple planners at one time. I am now using one A-5 planner with several sections. This way of planning is working best for me. Check out my YouTube video above which shows you exactly how to use my planner.
RELATED POST: 10 Ways a Paper Planner Can Increase Your Home, Life, & Business Productivity.

I hope you found these tips useful. Please feel free to ask any questions or leave your suggestions and comments in the comment section.
As always, if you need help getting your home and life organized, register for my free “5 Days to an Organized Home & Life” email course. Each day you will receive strategies for keeping your home & life organized and having a “company ready” home at all time. You can register for the free course at www.decoratorsvoice.com/free5daycourse.
For information about my Full Home & Life Organizational Strategies course, please visit www.decoratorsvoice.com/homestrategiescourse. In this course, you’ll receive tons of useful information, a one on one private consultation, access to my private Facebook group, and a physical organizational kit.
Thanks for stopping by. If you have any organizational or decorating questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I would love to hear from you. For information concerning our decorating services and products, please visit www.divineelementsofdesign.net
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