I love the big box stores just as much as the next person, if not more. However, there is some things I prefer to leave to the professionals. My interior paint is one of them. I want my paint prepared by someone properly trained and not someone from the “lumber department” filling in at the paint desk while this person is on a break. These are my 7 reasons to purchase paint from Sherwin Williams.
Online Support and Color Tools
Photo Credit: Sherwin Williams
The Sherwin Williams website is a one stop shop for your paint educational needs. You can find anything and everything you need to learn about paint for your next project. The site includes the ColorSnap Visualizer, downloadable palettes, color matching tools, project centers, color fan decks, and numerous other tools to make completing your project a success. Don’t forget to check out their online special offers to stay updated on sales, special events, and to receive coupons.
Paint History
Don’t worry about finding a space to keep all of your old paint gallons. Sherwin-Williams will maintain your paint history in their database. This tool alone has saved me time and effort by keeping my many projects organized. Also, does your Home Owners Association limit the paint selections you can use for the exterior of your home? Check out Sherwin Williams’ HOA Color Archive. You can easily find the approved colors for your home.
In-Home Color Consultations
Photo Credit: Sherwin Williams
Have you ever looked at paint samples and couldn’t decide on which color to select? There is a fine line between pale yellow and Big Bird yellow. Contact your local Sherwin Williams store to schedule an in-home color consultation. Members of Sherwin Williams’ PaintPerks™ program, can purchase a $95 color consultation. The consultation cost includes a pre-consultation phone call, 90 minute in-home consultation, a shopping list, a paint sample, and a $50 Sherwin-Williams gift card to use toward the purchase of your paint and supplies. It’s such a win-win situation. Click here for more information or to join the free PaintPerks™ program.
Large Variety of Paint Products
Photo Credit: Sherwin Williams
Sherwin Williams has products for all level painters. Products are available for the novice DIYer to the professional home builder. You can also get professional products and advice for stains, patches, cleaning supplies and basically anything involving painting. Sherwin Williams also has different categories of paint collections. You can choose from the Pottery Barn Collection, West Elm Collection, or HGTV HOME Collection, just to name a few. There is something for everyone.
Paint Professionals
Photo Credit: Sherwin Williams
The Sherwin Williams’ paint professionals are highly trained in paint & color theory, color matching, paint calculations, style & technique, and basically anything paint related. When purchasing from Sherwin Williams, you are able to “chose your color with confidence” using the many tools available. Locate your local Sherwin Williams store here.
Company History
Photo Credit: Sherwin Williams
Sherwin Williams has been in business for over 150 years. This company has mastered the painting market and customer service. In addition to having stores in every city and an award-winning website, Sherwin Williams also provides training to design professionals, contractors, and home owners. As an interior decorator, I love attending their annual Color Training. Sherwin Williams’ products have been used for The White House, Freedom Tower, The Golden Gate Bridge, The Hollywood Sign, The USS Arizona Memorial, and many more landmark and iconic structures.
Personalized Attention
Photo Credit: Sherwin Williams
As an interior decorator, I have grown to expect great customer experience when I walk into my Sherwin Williams store. Typically, I purchase from two stores. One store is close to my residence and the other store is close to my design studio. Although many interior designers have their contractors pick up the paint for projects, I pick it up myself. I love to interact with the sales associates. They always remember my projects and always ask how the last one turned out. I even hear the same conversations with other homeowners and contractors.
I hope you found my 7 reasons for purchasing paint at Sherwin Williams helpful. Please feel free to leave any comments, questions, or suggestions. I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on why you use Sherwin Williams.
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For information about my Full Home & Life Organizational Strategies course, please visit www.decoratorsvoice.com/homestrategiescourse.
As always, thanks for stopping by. If you have any organizational or decorating questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I would love to hear from you. For information concerning our decorating services and products, please visit www.divineelementsofdesign.net
I usually only get my paint colors from Sherman Williams because it’s only been a positive experience!
Thanks for sharing your experience with Sherwin Williams.
Love this! I love when people are decorated to a brand they trust so much. Definitely makes me want to get crafty and change up my home with colors!
I love the fact that I don’t have to keep up with my color selections. The files are readily available Sherwin Williams has a great system. Thank you Divineelementsofdesign for the introduction.
You’re very welcome. Thanks for reading and I wish you the best of luck with your decorating projects.
Looking to pint inside and out side my house
Sounds pretty convincing!