Having a productive week is something we all can achieve with proper planning and organization. Although it may come easy to others, being productive may be something you have to take steps to achieve. For me, a productive week starts with doing the following 7 things on Sunday.
Change Your “Monday” Mindset
Let’s start with changing our mindset that Monday isn’t the worst day of the week. We have all grown to dread the unpopular Monday. We look at it as the end of our weekend and a reality check that we have to get back to work or school. Instead of looking at Monday as a negative thing, let’s embrace it… Let’s take the “if you can’t beat em, join em” mentality. Let’s consider Monday as a fresh start to a new week. All of the things we were not able to accomplish last week, we can have a second chance at it. We also have five whole days to work on our goals for the week.
Gather & Iron Your Clothes For the Week
Do you stand in front of your closet or open drawers each morning trying to decide what to wear? Have you often thought about wearing a particular item only to find out it’s too small, missing a button, or dirty at the very last-minute. Wouldn’t it be great to wake up each day and not have to decide what you’re going to wear? Wouldn’t it be great to wake up and have your clothes and undergarments already ready for you. Well this simple wish can be accomplished by setting aside 30 – 45 minutes each Sunday.
On Sunday while you are just relaxing, browsing Pinterest, or waiting for The Walking Dead to come on, take some time to get your work or school outfits prepared for yourself and/or your children. By putting your clothes together on Sunday, it will make waking up and getting yourself and /or your children off to work and school much smoother.
Meal Plan/Meal Prep
Meal planning and meal prepping can not only save you money and help you eat healthier, it is also a great productivity habit. It doesn’t require any special tools or organizers. You can simply meal plan with a notebook and pen. If you have children, this can be an easy and fun family weekly project. First, decide which meal items you want to prepare for each day the week. Be inclusive and don’t forget all meals and snacks. After you’ve decided on your weekly meal plan, create a list of items you need to prepare your meals. Hopefully, you may already have some of the ingredients in your kitchen. For the ingredients you don’t have, go to the store and pick them up. By getting all of the items ahead of time, it will eliminate the need to go to the store everyday. It is also very helpful to have a shopping list of items needed.
Feel free to take your meal plan to the next level by meal prepping. Meal prepping is preparing your weekly items all at one time. You can cook all of the items you want to eat for the week, and prepare them into individual sized and reheat-able meals. Meal prepping is the ultimate meal plan.
Reevaluate Your Previous Weeks Goals
Earlier I mentioned how Mondays are a great fresh start to the week. On Sunday, take a few minutes to reevaluate your previous weeks goals and plans. Were you able to complete all tasks and achieve your goals? If so, that’s awesome… What a great way to start your new week. If not, what caused you to fall short? What are some of the things you can do better during the new week to help meet your goals?
Review and Update Your Planner
Whether you use a paper planner or an electric planner, take a few minutes on Sunday to review and update your planner with your upcoming appointments and activities. Don’t forget to schedule down time and relaxation. Click HERE for 10 reasons I prefer a paper planner over an electronic planner to increase my productivity.
Change Your Bed Linen
Nothing is fresher than clean bed linens. Change the bed linen on your bed on Sunday. What a great way to start a new week.
Set a Realistic Weekly Goal
Don’t over extend yourself. Make sure you are setting SMART goals. Click HERE for my information and instructions on setting SMART goals. Think about one or two big things you would like to accomplish this week. Write it down someplace where you can see it. Each day, take steps towards working on your weekly goal.
Click Here to Register For My Free “5 Days to An Organized Home & Life” Email Course
I hope you found these productivity tips useful. Please feel free to leave any comments, questions, or suggestions. I would love to hear your thoughts on additional things you do to be productive.
If you need help getting your home and life organized, register for my free “5 Days to an Organized Home & Life” email course. You’ll receive tips and suggestions for five days and a copy of my eBook. You can register for the free course at www.decoratorsvoice.com/free5daycourse.
For information about my Full Home & Life Organizational Strategies course, please visit www.decoratorsvoice.com/homestrategiescourse.
As always, thanks for stopping by. If you have any organizational or decorating questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I would love to hear from you. For information concerning our decorating services and products, please visit www.divineelementsofdesign.net
I love these tips! Very helpful!
Thanks for stopping by.
For professionals it is not possible to decorate home every day, Sunday is the Fun day, make it also DIY day and add one more activity to decorate home which last whole week. A pure positive energy is achieved throughout whole week if home decor done on every week.