Do you own a sofa, a couch, or armchairs that are looking quite old already? If you do not want to spend money on buying new ones or you love them too much to get rid of them, just try to rejuvenate them. Shake some years off their upholstery and they will be good to use a few more years.
Yes, it is not easy maintaining and cleaning your furniture, especially if you have kids or pets. What is more, everything we do reflects on our furniture. All of the people who sit on it, cigarette smoke, cooking, perfume, dust, hair, and just everything is settled on our furniture. And over the years all of this can cause your sofas to look older than they are.
If you have this problem and want to fix it, there are a few things you need to remember. You need to clean it and deodorized as often as you can, and take care of stains and spills right away.
Some would suggest getting professional cleaning service like Upholstery Prompt Cleaners to take care of your furniture’s upholstery, but that would be a bit expensive and has to be used regularly. That is why it is better to take care of your furniture on your own. It will only take some of your time, you will not spend a lot of money and will be sure that your furniture are in good hands.
Vacuuming is a good way to start. It will get rid of the dust and the problems on the surface. About once a week, or if you have pets, twice a week, you should take the time to vacuum your furniture’s upholstery thoroughly. Especially if you have a pet, us the special brush attachment for better results. It will collect dust, pet hair, human hair, dead skin cells. Vacuum thoroughly – under, over, remove the cushions and vacuum them and under them. Vacuum the cracks and sides. Make sure you haven’t missed a spot.
Another problem your furniture can have is a bad smell. This is even easier to take care of. All you are going to need is a cup of baking soda and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Mix them nicely and sprinkle it on the sofa, let it sit overnight if you wish to, and vacuum it thoroughly again, to remove the baking soda. The baking soda is a great deodorizer, it will absorb the bad smell.
And lastly, if there are stains that are hard to get out, make yourself a total scrub cleaner. For the purpose, mix one part water and one part dish soap, beat them (with an electric mixer or an egg beater) to a froth. Then simply apply the foam and leave it sit for 2-3 minutes. Scrub gently with a sponge. Then use water and a rag to rinse it off. You can use this for all of your upholstered furniture.
All these are the very simple, all-natural and frugal ways you can get your upholstered furniture cleaned and rejuvenated. These tips were provided to the readers of the Decorator’s Voice by Katherine Fowler.
I hope you found these tips helpful. I would love to hear other ideas on how you keep your furniture clean. If you need help getting your home and life organized, register for my free “5 Days to an Organized Home & Life” email course. You’ll receive tips and suggestions for five days and a copy of my eBook. You can register for the free course Here.
As always, thanks for stopping by. If you have any organizational or decorating questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I would love to hear from you. For information concerning our decorating services and products, please visit Divine Elements of Design.
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A good cleaning can work wonders! My sofa is slip covered and I love that I can just wash it myself!
linda spiker recently posted…Blackened Salmon and Quinoa Salad with Lime Vinaigrette
I love using slipcovers for sofas and pillows.
I do the oils and baking soda all the time. Plus on my mattress.
candy recently posted…Rhubarb Dump Cake
What is your favorite oil?
I tried the baking soda and it worked wonders! great tips! Thank you xxx
Chrissy recently posted…Tuesday Thoughts
Great tips! Thanks for sharing 🙂
>> Christene
You’re very welcome. Thanks for reading.
I can certainly use this! Thank you for sharing!
These are great! I was just thinking I need to freshen up my couch!
Heather Davis recently posted…Water Toys My Family Loves
Thank you so much for these tips!
This is some really good information about how to keep your furniture looking nice. I liked that you pointed out that you should vacuum the upholstery. It might be smart to also think about replacing the fabric. Personally, I think re-upholstering chairs can sofas could help make them look better.
Thanks for sharing these helpful tips!
Amazing Tips! It’s really very important to maintain your furniture to use it for more years.
Sanju recently posted…Is your home ready to host the coming festivities?
I have been considering doing something to make my living room feel fresh this year. I liked your suggestion about getting my sofa professionally cleaned. It might be smart for me to get a few sofa as well.
I love this blog!
Cotton Care offers a budget-friendly and eco-friendly way of getting sofa cleaning. No worry anymore. Your budget can change to our service.
Thanks for letting me know that it is easy to get rid of the bad smell coming from our upholstery. Unfortunately, I’m not sure if I can do it on my own since I only know how to vacuum. It might be better to trust professionals in upholstery cleaning in order to give them a fresh look as well.