Happy 2022! We have entered a New Year and let’s look forward to all that is to come. With all of the new design trends in store, let’s leave the following seven decorating trends in 2021.

Word Art

Word art is definitely an outdated decorating trend. If you have any word art in your home, it is ok consider a simple upgrade. Word art was very popular earlier, but do we truly need to be reminded to “Live, Love, and Laugh”.
Gray Everything

Gray has been very popular, but please leave gray in 2021. Having all gray furniture, gray cabinets, and gray linens are too much. There are tons of colors and hues to select from. Although I love the clean and modern look of gray, sometimes color can add a nice element to a space.
Cluttered Rooms

As we adapt to a more minimalism home, lets ditch the overly cluttered rooms. Clutter gives the illusion of sloppiness. An uncluttered room allows the eyes to focus on the items you want display.

Although shiplap was once very popular, its popularity is fading. Shiplap is wood paneling which became popular due to many HGTV shows. Instead of shiplap, opt for beautiful wallpaper.
Mid-Century Modern

Mid-century modern designs included elements of the 1950s and 1960s. These elements were used to create a unique trend which was once very popular.
Matching Furniture

It was once considered normal to purchase all of the pieces in a furniture line. Rooms looked like they were picked straight from a furniture store display. Matching furniture doesn’t all a person to display their own personal style. Be creative by mixing and matching pieces, colors, and styles.
Sliding Barn Doors

The popularity of barn doors is decreasing fading. Many people included barn doors in their new home builds. Lately, people are replacing them with traditional doors.

I hope you got some ideas from this post. As always, this post is for entertainment purposes only. Decorate your home according to your own rules!!! Please feel free to ask any questions or leave your suggestions and comments in the comment section below.
As always, if you need help getting your home and life organized, register for my free “5 Days to an Organized Home & Life” email course. Each day you will receive strategies for keeping your home & life organized and having a “company ready” home at all time. You can register for the free course at www.decoratorsvoice.com/free5daycourse.
For information about my Full Home & Life Organizational Strategies course, please visit www.decoratorsvoice.com/homestrategiescourse. In this course, you’ll receive tons of useful information, a one on one private consultation, access to my private Facebook group, and a physical organizational kit.
Thanks for stopping by. If you have any organizational or decorating questions, please do not hesitate to ask. I would love to hear from you. For information concerning our decorating services and products, please visit www.divineelementsofdesign.net
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